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Febre offers a memoir of surviving colorectal cancer and its aftermath.In her first book, the author—a musician, yogi, and mentor with the California-based Colorectal Cancer Alliance—describes many aspects of her journey with stage 4 colorectal cancer, emphasizing the specific experience of getting this type of cancer at the relatively young age of 47. She begins with an account of a colostomy that was a necessary part of the treatment, and how she learned to live with it. Febre then takes readers through surgeries, chemotherapy, and radiation treatment, as well as her feelings about each. In addressing the effects of chemotherapy, she debunks some common assumptions about hair loss (noting, for example, that it doesn’t happen to every cancer patient). She includes her own take on head-shaving, including when to begin and when to stop. Febre is also unsparing in her descriptions of the other effects of chemotherapy and the use of steroids, including personality changes and cold sensitivity, which can affect food intake and induce nausea. The author discusses blogging about her condition during her treatment, as well as its limitations. Throughout, Febre maintains a sense of optimism, reflected in her determination to survive, but beyond emphasizing the role of good health habits, she doesn’t offer the inspirational lessons that are common in cancer memoirs. She effectively acknowledges various biases in the medical system and the limitations of prior fitness when undergoing treatment. In places, she also acknowledges the difficulties that younger cancer patients face as the average age for cancer diagnosis moves downward. Overall, readers will come away with a sense of the author’s gratitude, though she insightfully notes that, in some ways, she remains the same person she was before her ordeal. The book also includes appendices about cancer care and full-color photos of Febre and her loved ones.An engaging and unsentimental remembrance of fighting illness.
“Un relato profundamente personal, honesto e informativo del viaje de una joven sobreviviente de cáncer, su prosa es fácil para la vista y la mente; sus sorprendentes comparaciones de lo bueno y lo malo de la naturaleza están inteligentemente entretejidas, y su alma inspiradora emana de cada página como si no hubiera dado ya suficiente. Capaz de hacerte llorar en un momento y luego reírte a carcajadas al siguiente, el libro de Lisa es un testimonio bellamente escrito del poder del amor, la amistad y la autoestima, y es una lectura esencial para quienes padecen cáncer, sobrevivientes de cáncer o curiosos sobre el cáncer". —Neil Baker, autor, propietario April Moon Books
"Si se enfrenta a una enfermedad potencialmente mortal o a cualquier tipo de dificultad, debe leerRound the Twist: Enfrentando lo Abdominable, por Lisa Febre, una notable sobreviviente de cáncer de colon. En la historia detallada, cruda, honesta, humorística y fascinante de Febre sobre cómo luchar y sobrevivir tanto al cáncer como al tratamiento posterior, se sentirá inspirado por lo que se puede lograr a través del coraje, la tenacidad, la espiritualidad y la esperanza. Esta es una lectura obligada." —David B. Seaburn, Ph.D., Profesor Asistente, Psiquiatría y Medicina Familiar, Centro Médico de la Universidad de Rochester (retirado) y autor de nueve novelas, la más reciente, "Give Me Shelter".
"Las estadísticas no mienten... la mayoría de nosotros conoceremos o conoceremos a alguien a quien se le haya diagnosticado cáncer, pero "Round The Twist: Facing The Abdominable" de Lisa Febre es un libro que explica el proceso de cáncer de la autora con perspicacia, humor, previsión y empatía no solo para otros pacientes con cáncer, sino también para aquellos que los aman y los cuidan. El viaje de Lisa no es para los débiles de corazón, sino uno que relata honesta y abiertamente su diagnóstico de cáncer, los tratamientos y la experiencia que le cambió la vida. Ella deja su alma desnuda a un nivel a veces desgarrador mientras los lectores se quedan comprendiendo la lucha que muchos de nosotros enfrentamos cuando la palabra cáncer sale de la boca de nuestro médico. Este libro abrirá los ojos del lector a la batalla que es la supervivencia del cáncer. y destacar la fuerza y el coraje de Lisa mientras les da a otros la esperanza de que hay luz al final de la batalla". —Barbara A. Luker, autora de “El indicado”
“Redondear el giro es una memoria sobre estar increíblemente vivo y profundamente amado. El viaje de Lisa Febre a través de lo mejor y lo peor de lo que la medicina moderna tiene para ofrecer está repleto de detalles, intensidad e ingenio. Un bálsamo para el alma, una historia de amor disfrazada.” —Emily Wright, editora adjunta, revista Strings
"Lisa cuenta su historia con tanto corazón y tanta franqueza que uno se sumerge en su narración desde el primer momento. Me reí, sí, me reí. Lloré. Con su prosa tranquila, Lisa te da la bienvenida en su desgarrador viaje, con el único propósito de ayudar a otros a comprender cómo es soportar todas las pruebas, todos los tratamientos y todos los altibajos de la lucha contra el cáncer. conocer a alguien soportando lo inimaginable,Redondea el giro es una lectura obligada." —Melinda Wolf, escritora y editora
"Round the Twist: Enfrentando lo Abdominable lo sumerge en la oscura realidad de un diagnóstico de cáncer en etapa 4 donde la supervivencia es la única opción. Una inversión inspiradora y emocional que envía el mensaje revelador y poderoso de que incluso cuando un diagnóstico es grave, la curación y la restauración milagrosas pueden ocurrir con un equipo médico de primer nivel a su lado y aliados que alimentan su mente, cuerpo y espíritu en conjunto. . ¡Verdaderamente inspirador!" —Michelle A. Dick, escritora independiente, editora
"Una historia de cáncer contada con verdad e inspiración. Uno no necesariamente necesita positividad y resiliencia para sobrevivir a un diagnóstico de cáncer. Pero la positividad y la resiliencia son cruciales si uno quiere prosperar después de noticias tan aterradoras. Lisa Febre es la prueba por excelencia de que estos elementos deben ser parte de cualquier plan de tratamiento y lo demuestra maravillosamente en sus memorias. Maneja los temas gráficos del cáncer de colon con verdad, delicadeza, frustración y, lo más importante, un espíritu asombroso. Ella hace lo que creo que una memoria médica siempre debe hacer: brindarle al lector la información que necesita para apreciar la gravedad de su viaje, sin bombardearlos con terminología difícil y conceptos científicos innecesarios. Pero lo que realmente me llamó la atención es cómo estas memorias están entrelazadas con bellas imágenes de la naturaleza y las lecciones que aprendió la Sra. Febre al insistir en estar abierta al mundo que la rodea. Mi favorito en particular es lo que le enseñó el perro Dusty, aunque hay muchas alegorías inspiradoras en esta historia. Si está buscando leer una historia poderosa sobre un diagnóstico de cáncer, esta es la que le recomendaría". —Yvonne deSousa, autora de "MS Madness!" y el próximo a estrenarse, "Refugio del Monumento"

Febre’s writing is remarkably engaging and transparent.Round the Twist: Facing the Abdominable is a heartfelt and insightful memoir that combines humor, honesty, and profound life lessons. Febre’s ability to inspire and educate through her personal journey makes this book a compelling read for anyone navigating the challenges of cancer or seeking to better understand the patient experience.
"Round The Twist is one of the most inspirational stories of cancer survival that I have ever read. The knowledge that surviving such a death sentence was achievable, coupled with the events that led the author to each of her surgeries, made this memoir impossible to put down. I love that Lisa Febre chose to share her amazing story of survival and the painful journey that got her to where she is now. That in itself is highly commendable. The amount of courage it takes to face a diagnosis of cancer and then write about it after surviving it shows how resilient the human body and spirit can be. I recommend Round The Twist to anyone who loves true stories so that they can learn something new, and I hope that Febre chooses to continue writing because she is as talented as an author as she is a musician."
—Amy Raines, for Readers’ Favorite
"Lisa Febre pulls no punches in her heartfelt, compelling and thought-provoking book, Round the Twist: Facing the Abdominable. She details the journey with such candor and grace which astounded and inspired me to realize that she could have the courage, and strength to keep a positive attitude through it all. Lisa is direct in her style; her personality bounces off the page. She’s garrulous, energetic, and curious—her writing is all these things as well. Her writing helps readers feel close to everyone that assisted her as well; almost aiding us as we relive the experiences through Lisa’s writing. I was grateful for our healthcare workers more than I’ve ever felt after seeing the impact each had on her. Lisa did an amazing job giving an unflinching view into what cancer, its diagnosis, and subsequent treatments were like for her. She made her readers feel they were there with her. To know Lisa feels like such a gift; I couldn’t bear the thought that her effervescent personality would no longer be in this world. While cancer is such a scary topic for everyone, it feels like a gift to understand it with the kid gloves off. I now have an even greater compassion for those around me who’ve endured a diagnosis such as this just as I feel I may have a deeper understanding as well. Chick Lit Café highly recommends this book; it is a wonderful gentle reminder that each day is a gift to enjoy and appreciate. —Mary Rosenthal, for Chick Lit Café
"I understand that some people diagnosed with cancer see it as a death sentence, and they give up even before the cancer battle begins. But Lisa was optimistic and didn't see it as the end of her life; instead, she had a different perspective and faced the reality of battling the disease. Round the Twist: Facing the Abominable by Lisa Febre is free of criticism, and there is nothing I disliked about it, as reading it gave me a reason to appreciate life and be grateful for good health. I discovered zero errors in my reading, which led me to conclude that it was an exceptionally well-edited book. Therefore, I couldn't think of any possible way to reward it with a lesser rating than 5 out of 5 stars. Those who are on a cancer journey or those with family or friends affected by cancer would love this book, as they would learn to emulate Lisa's positivity." —Susan John Peter, for OnlineBookClub.org
"Cancer is one of the most dreaded words in the world. It impacts people of all types regardless of whether or not they live a healthy life or their income level. Lisa Febre was by all accounts one who should not be stricken with the illness and yet she found herself submerged into having to battle colon cancer. One thing that I am glad to see Febre talk about is the need for mental recovery along the way. People often assume that cancer only places a physical toll on people while ignoring the mental demands that are placed on individuals. Febre leaned into living a public journey instead of hiding in her home and refusing to leave. She acknowledged that we live in a connected world that lends itself to little privacy. For an author to include photos of an emotional time when they are likely not flattering photos is even more brave and must be admired. I would recommend it to women who are struggling with colon cancer or to those who simply want to support" —Matthew Lloyd for Reedsy Discovery
“A deeply personal, honest, and informative account of one young cancer survivor's journey, her prose is easy on the eye and mind; her stunning comparisons of the good and bad in nature are intelligently woven throughout, and her inspirational soul emanates from every page as if she hasn't already given enough. Able to make you weep one moment and then guffaw the next, Lisa's book is a beautifully written testament to the power of love, friendship, and self-worth, and is essential reading for cancer sufferers, cancer survivors, or the cancer curious." —Neil Baker, Author, Owner April Moon Books
"If you are facing a life-threatening illness or any kind of hardship, you should read Round the Twist: Facing the Abdominable, by Lisa Febre, a remarkable survivor of colon cancer. In Febre’s detailed, raw, honest, humorous, and mesmerizing story about battling and surviving both cancer and the ensuing treatment, you will be inspired by what can be accomplished through courage, tenacity, spirituality, and hope. This is a must-read." —David B. Seaburn, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Family Medicine, University of Rochester Medical Center (retired), and author of nine novels, most recently, “Give Me Shelter.”
"Statistics don’t lie….most of us will be or will know someone diagnosed with cancer, but “Round The Twist: Facing The Abdominable” by Lisa Febre is a book that explains the author’s cancer journey with insight, humor, forethought and empathy for not only other cancer patients but those who love and care for them. Lisa’s journey is not for the faint of heart, but one that honestly and openly chronicles her cancer diagnosis, treatments, and life-changing experience. She lays her soul bare at a sometimes heartbreaking level while readers are left understanding the fight so many of us face when the word cancer comes out of our doctor’s mouth. This book will open the reader’s eyes to the battle that is cancer survival and shine a spotlight on Lisa’s strength and courage while giving others hope that there is light at the end of the battle." —Barbara A. Luker, author of “The Right One”
"Lisa Febre’s honest account of her war dance with cancer will resonate with you long after the final pages. Her ability to share the facts of her journey in such a meaningful way will be a comfort to any patient or family member going through such an experience. Her determination to restore her health will inspire you to meet any challenge you face head on and her profound realization that “my body is not me, it’s just a thing and that thing needs to be healed” will light a path for those who are struggling with a sense of overwhelm. This book is a testament to the importance of friends, family, and community coming together to support one another. The enhanced patience, and deeper empathy Lisa now has for others as a result of this “misadventure” ripples out and serves to infuse us all with a sense of gratitude for life and love." —Niamh McAnally, The Writer on the Water, author of "Flares Up: A Story Bigger Than The Atlantic"
"Lisa Febre’s honest account of her war dance with cancer will resonate with you long after the final pages. Her ability to share the facts of her journey in such a meaningful way will be a comfort to any patient or family member going through such an experience. Her determination to restore her health will inspire you to meet any challenge you face head on and her profound realization that “my body is not me, it’s just a thing and that thing needs to be healed” will light a path for those who are struggling with a sense of overwhelm. This book is a testament to the importance of friends, family, and community coming together to support one another. The enhanced patience, and deeper empathy Lisa now has for others as a result of this “misadventure” ripples out and serves to infuse us all with a sense of gratitude for life and love." —Yvonne deSousa, author of "MS Madness!" and "Shelter of the Monument"
"Round the Twist is a beautifully written account of a year in Lisa Febre’s life. While the catalyst for the telling and the structure of the story follow her harrowing journey from diagnosis with stage 4 colon cancer, through excruciating treatments, and the heartbreaking wonder of recovery, Lisa’s story - who she is, who she loves, and who she becomes - is so very much bigger than the cancer. Around the Twist is a celebration of life and love, family and friendship, frightened dogs given a precious second chance, and the uplifting miracle of the nature that surrounds her. It is a love song to a beloved husband whose mashed potatoes, comforting silence, and shared laughter in dad jokes and intestinal gas keep her moving forward when her body and mind have had (nearly) enough. And it’s a testimony to the beauty and power of living in the moment, being fully present, and sitting with the truth, as well as with gratitude. With grace and love, Febre paints the community of family, friends and healers that accompany her on this unchosen journey. Her prose is fluid and accessible, and rendered lovelier by the use of extended metaphors. Febre’s voice is raw and authentic, and the tale is woven with heartbreak, tenderness, and humor. Cancer is a horrific, nearly fatal twist in Lisa’s life, but it’s not the entirety of the path this young musician/yogi/writer is hiking (running!) and her novel is a wonderful reflection of her kindness, gratitude, and indomitable spirit." —Troy Hollan, Award-Winning author of "Clucked"
Cancer is no stranger to our family. Humor, determination, faith, and denial are tools we spectators learned while our sister/daughter wielded these traits like weapons. Lisa Febre's "Round the Twist" is a cancer survivor's journey that made me laugh, made me cry, and made me see how much more I have to learn about empathy. This isn't just an important read for someone facing the disease--it's a must read for everyone who knows someone with cancer and wants to know how to love them when and how they need it most. When Febre says, "There must be a better way to tell a patient you see a tumor than while there is a camera up their a$$," I remember my sister's ability to let loose her humor salvo. when the author writes, "The scans must be wrong, and I have the definitive proof of why," I remember listening to those same words. When she writes of her husband, "...would you still have married me?" my incredible brother-in-law is my first thought. Tears aside, Febre's story is not a downer--instead, it serves as a wake-up call for how to tackle adversity, live in the now, and be grateful for grace. Lisa is my newest hero! I'm a big library fan--but not for books that need to be read again and again. Round the Twist sits on the shelf in my home. —Cam Torrens, Award-Winning author of the Tyler Zahn Books, "Stable" and "False Summit"
“Round The Twist is a memoir about being incredibly alive and deeply loved. Lisa Febre’s journey through the best and worst of what modern medicine has to offer is crackling with detail, intensity, and wit. A balm for the soul, a love story in disguise.” —Emily Wright, Assistant Editor, Strings Magazine
"Lisa tells her story with so much heart, and such candor, one is drawn into her narrative right from the get-go. I laughed -- yes, laughed. I cried. With her easy-going prose, Lisa welcomes you along on her harrowing journey -- with the sole purpose of helping others understand what it is like to endure all the tests, all the treatments, and all the ups and downs of fighting cancer. For those facing "The Big C", and for those who know someone enduring the unimaginable, Round the Twist is a must-read." —Melinda Wolf, Writer, and Editor
"Round the Twist: Facing the Abdominable submerges you into the dark reality of a Stage-4 Cancer diagnosis where survival is the only option. An inspiring, emotional investment sending the eye-opening and powerful message that even when a diagnosis is dire, miraculous healing and restoration can happen with a top-notch medical team at your side and allies who feed your mind, body, and spirit in tandem. Truly inspiring!" —Michelle A. Dick, Freelance Writer, Editor