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Policies and Procedures

Lisa Febre

Print, Sign & Return this form at your first lesson. Print a second copy for your records.


School Year (September-May): There is no scheduling fee for lessons during these months.

Summer Lessons (June-August): New students only: Scheduling fees are required for summer lessons. Once a lesson is scheduled, payment for your lesson to PayPal account or Venmo @Lisa-Febre is required 48 hours prior to the lesson. If payment is not received, lesson will be removed from the schedule.

Tuition: Lessons are charged 4 sessions at a time. Students will receive a "Pre-Paid Lesson Card" equal to 4 lessons when payment is received. Payment at the end of each individual lesson is only accepted after you have been enrolled for 6 months. You may pay for your lessons using: cash, personal check, PayPal, Venmo and credit cards. Current students click here to make a payment. Have your password ready.

Withdrawal and Refunds:  A two-week notice is appreciated to discontinue lessons.  You will not receive a refund for any unused lessons on your card. I reserve the right to terminate lessons to any student without notice.  In such a case a refund for unused lessons will be given, if applicable.

Cancellations and Make-up Lessons:  I am happy to offer makeup lessons for my students.  If I am notified by 8:00p.m. the night before the scheduled lesson, a makeup lesson can be scheduled.  If I am not notified the night before, you will be considered a "no show" and not authorized a makeup lesson.  The only exception will be for illness or family emergency.  (Note: If you schedule a make-up lesson and miss it, you will not be granted a second make-up for that lesson)                                                                                                                                                                                                           


If I have to cancel a lesson for any reason, I will schedule a make-up lesson. If no make-up lesson can be scheduled, the fee for that lesson will carry over to the 5th week.

Summer Vacation:  I teach year round, with a limited schedule during the summer months. If you take the summer off but want to resume regular lessons when you return, your payment is due on the first of September to reserve your lesson time.

Care of Students:  I am not responsible for providing before or after class care for students or siblings. Students are not to be left at my home for an excessive amount time before or after lessons.

Parent’s Responsibility to be Aware of Dates and Events:  It is the responsibility of the parent or adult student to be aware of Studio activities such as recitals and dates lessons are canceled.  I will post notices on the “calendar” page on the website. You will be automatically subscribed to a monthly newsletter which I send out at the beginning of each month. I consider this newsletter your "official notification" of important dates and events. It is also the responsibility of the parent or adult student to inform me of any address or telephone number change.


Materials: Students are responsible for purchasing their own materials: instruments, reeds, music, and all accessories. All books and accessories I recommend in your lessons can be easily purchased through my website.


From time to time, I will lend out music and other items. Students and parents are responsible for the care of all materials loaned out to the student. All music must be returned within 2 weeks and in the same condition you received it. The full cost of replacing damaged music, and accessories (lost or broken) will be replaced at full cost to the student.

Injuries:  Parents, legal guardians of minor students and adult students waive the right to any legal action for any injury sustained on my property resulting from normal lesson activity or any other activity conducted by the students before, during or after lesson time.


Damages: Students are expected to treat their surroundings in the teaching space with respect and will be held responsible for any damage they may cause to musical items (including but not limited to instruments, reeds), furnishings of the room, and to either piano (including but not limited to the piano benches, pedals, and finish) requiring repairs will be charged to the student. Students, parents and their guests will remain inside the teaching space at all times.

Tuition is based on enrollment, not attendance.  Tuition is charged to RESERVE time on my weekly schedule.  Whether or not you attend each week is up to you.  If you cannot attend, you will miss the benefit of that lesson.

Tuition Rates:

30 Minute Lessons = $40
45 Minute Lessons = $60
60 Minute Lessons = $75 (reserved for advanced students)


I have read and understand the above policies and procedures and agree to abide by them.


_____________                           _________________________________________                     ___________________________________________
Date                                               Student Name (please print)                                       Signature of Parent or Adult Student


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